| Boggs Mines Bob Ciminel's report on the Boggs Mine. The Boggs Mine was located south (timetable east) of Solar Mine and north of U.S. Route 22. It was a slope mine, owned by the Montour & Lake Erie Coal Company, headquartered in Pittsburgh. There is very little information about this mine, suggesting that it may have been known by another name during its lifetime. The mine was eventually taken over by the Pittsburgh Coal Company. There is a reference to a Montour & Lake Erie Mine No. 1 in the records at the same location as Boggs Mine. Boggs Mine was located at the east end of Boggs Yard and reached through a facing point switch off of the yard tracks. A loading platform was located 420 feet west of the grade crossing over Potato Garden Run Road. Boggs Mine was listed as Station 82 in the 1940 Montour employee timetable. To add further
confusion, the M&LE Coal Company Mine No. 1 was supposedly serviced
by the M&LE Railroad, which never existed. To top Montour & Lake Erie Coal Co. Boggs Mine is listed on the 1940 Montour Railroad employee timetable, but only as a loading platform, not a tipple, indicating that coal was being loaded from trucks. These maps show North Star and the Partridge Mine, as well as Boggs Yard, Solar Mine, Champion waste dump, and Boggs Mine. The coal seam at Partridge was around 1120 ft MSL, 1150 at Solar and around 1160 at Boggs Mine. These were all drift mines. The railroad came into the North Star Wye at about 1020 ft MSL and was at approximately 1135 ft MSL when it rounded the curve into Boggs Yard. I don't have my Montour track chart with me, so the railroad elevations are just a guess.