Montour Railroad
Bridges and
Working on the

| History Columns From the Montour Trail Newsletter |  | Montour tran movements 1st quarter 1973, compiled by Greg Corcoran. |  | Montour tran movements 2nd quarter 1973, compiled by Greg Corcoran. |  | Montour tran movements 3rd quarter 1973, compiled by Greg Corcoran |  | Montour tran movements 4th quarter 1973, compiled by Greg Corcoran |  | Interesting
agreement between the B&LE and Montour, prior to constructing the
Mifflin Extension, setting up agreements regarding rates and
interchange. Take a look at the 1912, rough estimated routing of the
Montour and branch lines on page 1 - certainly turned out a bit
different in 1913 when construction began. Greg Corcoran |
Montour Railroad Employee Status
Status Determination Letter (End of the Montour) |
1965 Foreman's Daily Time Report |
MTR Peters Creek Purchase |
19-Dec 1941
Train Wreck |
Block Spur |
Short History of the
Montour - Stan Sattinger
Coal Co New June 1949
Here is a posting of Bulletin's
governing train movements on the Mighty 'M'.
This one dated for 1975, was the first written sign of the slow demise
of the the east end of the RR to Mifflin Jct. The crossing flashers had
a failure and no money was to be used on their repair, henceforth the
remaining train movements flagged their way
across. This was to be the norm for the
last few east bounds until the final run in November 1975.
Thankfully, we were on the last movement to Mifflin that cold
November evening. Remember that!!
Note under the black marker stripe it sez "Penn
Central" if you can zoom it in. Another money sucker.
Tim Sposato
Here is an ad for Montour Railroad services. |
Here is Train Order #54, dated May 28, 1943 to C&E Engine 24 at
Clinton Block Junction... Train crews were regularly tested on train
orders then qualified as was the case this day with Jim Lane.
Gene P. Schaeffer |
fascinated with the N&W/Montour Interchange in my neighborhood
at Salida, I came to know many railroaders here. Some of those guys
became close personal friends lasting long after their retirement.
The P&WV McCready Family was one such family of wonderful
friends and railroaders.
C.A. McCready was Conductor on N&W's Local out of Rook that
went to Mifflin and Clairton daily. At Salida there at Longview, the
Local switched the Montour if needed. Either N&W loads/empties
to the Montour and or Montour loads/empties to the N&W.
This switch list, dated March 18, 1975 illustrates the N&W
local, N&W Engines 2426 - 4126, Conductor C.A. McCready
received from the Montour 2 loads and 3 empties, 200 tons at 2:05 AM...
The 2 tank cars no doubt came from Muse... The box and flat could of
either came from Brookside, Wickes, Easton or again...Muse. The gon
might be some creation from B&T ? Gene P. Schaeffer
the early 1970's, a Maximum Speed Restriction of 15 MPH was placed on
the Montour RR.
The first running train order each train crew, each tour of duty
received was the addition/inclusion of #1 Order included when the time
completed was given by the Train Dispatcher to their running Train
Orders. (confused???)
Early on, like everything else, when I started hearing this in the
early 1970's...being a youngster as I was, I didn't understand.
Conductor Harvey French was always willing to explain to me what the #1
Order meant...simply a maximum speed restriction order.
Conductor French was a kind gentleman who understood my interest and
would, by request, save his train orders for me...including several of
his #1 attached.
Another bit of trivia in the daily operations of the fascinating life
of the Montour Railroad Company.
Gene P. Schaeffer |
Attached is a copy indicating
the car loadings for Westland for the Month of October 1979...2,128
cars loaded representing 148,960 tons. All handled by a small fleet of
EMD SW-9's... Entrusted to Enginemen like our very own R.J. Lane...
(well most of the time)
Gene P. Schaeffer |
one of my trips into Mifflin Junction in the late 1970's, I took note
of the Bulletin Orders and General Notices that were hole punched then
hung on their respective boards there in the foyer that separated the
Montour Scale side of the building and that of the P&WV Agents
side of the building.
The scale at Mifflin had one front door. As soon as you stepped inside,
you either went left to the Montour scale or right to the P&WV.
Right there in that small space were the notices and bulletins. So one
evening, fearing someone else might walk off with them, with my trusty
preservation removal tool...the screwdriver, I removed both boards full
of notices and bulletins and brought them home.
Some 30 years later, its most enjoyable being able to thumb through
them remembering back to the time when this railroad was full of life
and charm. The attached Bulletin #5 - 70 dated August 7, 1970
illustrates the operation over Hills Transfer there at Montour 4.
I had many opportunities to ride out on Boyce as Montour crews went
after empty hoppers that kept Montour 4 and Montour 10 supplied.
Gene P. Schaeffer |
Order #9 Dated May 2, 1979 indicating the main track is out of service
from Coverdale to Salida.
The beginning of the end.
Gene P. Schaeffer |
from 1914 announcing the Montour Extension from North Star to Salida
will be ready for business on or about September 1, 1914.
some of you know, about 1991 I had the good fortune to be offered the
opportunity to again preserve a vast basement full of records for the
Pittsburgh & West Virginia. Actually, a friend was contacted by
the newly organized W&LE as they were wanting to lease out the
office building at Rook, and the basement was file cabinet after file
cabinet of records for the P&WV, WSB and WPT Railroads, dating
back to their beginnings of time.
I was asked by
the friend if I wanted to help him in removing the records as he didn't
have space or the time to do this. The W&LE placed a time
constraint on removing the records. Their real estate person was only
at Rook on certain days at certain times when we could do this...and
the basement needed cleaned out in a certain frame...and the best part
of it all was the fact W&LE Management at that time, recognized
the historic value of the records thus did NOT want them destroyed.
In that basement, packed with all of those records, there was material
relating to the Montour RR. From N&W Train Sheets containing
the details of detours and subsequent N&W billing for services
for the detours, to early memos about interchange as the attached
indicates. Lease agreements and contracts. You name it, it was
there...a bit dusty with time.
Gene P. Schaeffer
1985, with Superintendent RJC's permission, I had the ok to preserve
alot of remaining records from the vault at Montour Junction. My
specific request was to obtain some train sheets that had my signature,
but RJC went one step further and gave me the ok to take anything else
of interest.
The attached memo illustrates early operations history of the Montour
RR. This Pittsburgh Coal memo is actually green in color as are the
others I have. If the memo was 2 or more pages, the additional pages
were on white unlettered stationary.
This memo is of particular interest as it illustrates some history
about operation over P&WV's Mifflin Branch which was just up
the street from where I grew up.
Gene P. Schaeffer |
JW Wirth Engineer |
Cover letter, stapled to the several page investigation of the
collision of Montour 33 and 34 at Salida... |
A memo regarding the construction of the Muse Branch... |
Company report from 1974 on the performance of the SW-9's. |
A memo from Montour Lodge 378... RJ's Dad, RD is having his time slip
rebutted by
the Company... |
A page from the personal file of Montour Locomotive Fireman Bortle from
1951. Both Trainmen and Engineman/Fireman time slipped the company
every time they felt a infraction in union agreements occurred. I saw
this frequently during my short career on the Montour. Often I had to
account for any that was during my watch. Our very own RJ was good at
This memo was one of many pages in Bortles file. - Gene P.
pristine after 30+ years of preservation, Montour RR Train Order #12,
addressed to C&E Engine 78 at Hills.
It was a slow day on the Montour this April 28th, only 12 train orders
for the day at this late hour of 8:45 PM...with only 3 hours remaining
before the numbering of train orders starts over... Anyhow, the Montour
Train Crew this day, scribbled on the back of the train order,
Conductor Desko, Trainmen Leonard and Sherwood, P&LE Engineman
"Un-Officially" stapled to the train order, a small piece of a Montour
empty car waybill, in Desko's handwriting, as he would usually do while
his crew worked Montour #4 loaded yard, after obtaining his green bills
for his westward train from the shipper, while his crew was at lunch
and he was done walking the loads in #4's loaded yard, he would jot
down the last car numbers of the last car on each track for his
trainmen to use for the make up of their train.
On this day, the last car on #1 loaded track for his train was PC
482337...the last car for his train on #2 loaded track was B&LE
64198...and the last car for his train on #4 loaded track was again
another hopper, B&LE 84188. I often walked with Deskos crew
while working Montour #4. And it became practice for Desko to make for
me one of the attached last car cut number notes so I could preserve
the practice of one Montour Railroad Train Crew while working Montour
In reading the attached note stapled to the train order, you can see
where #1 loaded track would have 17 with 17, meaning there were 17
loads with all big cars, that meant there were no 50 ton hoppers in
that track. Leaving Montour #4 late this April 28th, 1975, Desko had 44
loads for Champion, all 70 or 100 ton hoppers.
Gene P. Schaeffer
A little darker green than usual, this Montour Railroad Form 448 50-M
3-71 green bill was used between the coal company and the Montour RR
for the movement of stop off coal at Champion.
These green bills, were two sided. The side we are looking at will stay
as permanent record for the railroad. The detached right side of the
bill, goes to the Coal Company Office at Champion with the billing
paperwork after the car is dumped at Champion. The Montour RR supplied
these double sided green bills to each mine. The Conductor brought both
sides of the bills to Champion. The Yardmaster kept the left side and
the Champion Agent was given the right side.
This bill for M 8145 was loaded at Westland on March 26, 1973. M 8145
was the 1,076 car laded for the month. M 8145 is a SHUTTLE car as
indicated by the lone S in the top margin. M 8145 was moved in Train 78
on March 26, 1973 to Champion. Conductor W. Ceyrolles. Extra 78 West
arrived Champion at 6:00 PM.
Gene P. Schaeffer
green bill for PRR 225563, loaded with MET coal at Montour #4. This PRR
car is the 872 and car loaded at #4 for the Month of March
I preserved
both MET and STEAM stampers, removed from the shippers office at #4
tipple in September 1980 as the last crew removed the last 7 loads of
coal and 52 empty hoppers.
P. Schaeffer
bill from Montour #10. |
for Expenditures. These contain in-depth history about the operations
of the company. Just by reading these AFE's alone, you can see and
understand how the company tried to maintain and better the physical
There are also Authority for Retirements.
Gene P. Schaeffer |
preserved from
Rook when the newly organized W&LE wanted to lease out office
building, seeing the basement was packed with company records of
the WPT, WSB and P&WV, the W&LE recognized
the importance of the records and found WNP who contacted me for
Of course, records pertaining to the Montour RR caught eye and were of
significant importance. I have several thick P&WV files on the
lease agreement between the Montour (Pittsburgh Coal) and the
P&WV/WSB. The WSB...West Side Belt is predecessor to the
Gene P. Schaeffer
Two layoff notices from the P&LE courtesy Ross Johnson |
1915 Injury Memo from Montour Shops. Courtesy Gene P.
Schaeffer |
October 31, 1975.
The Train Dispatcher on the night trick had numerous forms that needed
filled out including this one showing the car loadings of the mines as
well as Champion Preparation Plant. Courtesy Gene P. Schaeffer |
Lewis Run
The little known pike that
quietly disappeared. Not so quiet in its beginning as seen in this
letter dated September 7, 1916. Other notes of interest, starting at
the top of the letter,
* Pittsburgh Coal Company heading crossed out, Montour RR Co, penciled
* "Of Pennsyvania", expertly lined out in ink
* 9-18-16 note penciled in; Porter "Dictate letter to Nicholas Green
tenant warning him against further interference" This note appears to
be checked off in pencil, as if completed.
* Nice ink signature of Mr. E.J. Taylor, Chief Engineer. Seems Mr.
Green was threatening RR surveyors that were finding the RoW across the
Neiss farm that he was renting.
Other correspondence I have shows that this issue was resolved in 1917.
I can only imagine the challenges from other land owners that the legal
department had to deal with during the construction of both North Star
& Mifflin and Lewis Run Rwy.
Collection of Tim Sposato