Montour Railroad
Bridges and Tunnels
Working on the

Mines Along the Montour
industry along the Montour was of course coal mines.
This page lists and give some details of the Mines serviced by
thanks to Bob Ciminel who provide the detailed images
and write ups.
Overview of the Mines
of the Montour.

MP 5 Scott Mine |
6 Dickson Mine |
8 Marshall Mine |
MP 8.5 Margerum
Mine |
MP 10 Clinton No 1 Mine |
MP 10.5 Jean Mine |

MP 10.7 Partridge Mine |

MP 12 Sunnyhill, Maraca
and Rider Mines

MP 13 Champion Coal
Washer |

MP 14 Solar Mine |

MP 14.1 Boggs Mines |

MP 14.5 Russell Mine No.
1 and 2 |

MP 16.8 Montour #9 |

MP 18 McDonald Mine |

MP 22 Montour No. 1 |

MP 23 Morris Mine |

MP24 Montour #2 |

MP26 Westland Mine |

MP 26 National No. 3 |

MP 27.8 National No.2

MP 28.2 Henderson No 1
Mine |

MP 31 Montour #4 |

MP 37 Montour #10 |

MP 39 Other
Library Branch Mines |

MP 39 Coverdale #8 |

Moon Run Mine |

Montour No. 8 Mine |
Early Montour Mines |
Keystone Coal
Buyers Manual
(data extracted by Bruce Harper)
Pittsburgh Coal Co.
Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.
P.O. Imperial, Allegheny Co., Pa.
Ship Cliff Mine, M.R.R.
Seam Pittsburgh 68 in. Thick
Kind of Opening Drift
Daily Cap. 1500 T
Preparation Equipment Picking Tables,
Loading Booms & Coal Cleaners
Montour No. 1 Mine
P.O. Southview, Washington Co. Pa.
Ship Southview, M. R. R.
Seam Pittsburgh 55 in. Thick
Kind of Opening Shaft
Daily Cap 2500 T.
Preparation Equipment Mechanical Screens,
Picking Tables, Loading Booms & Coal Cleaners
Montour No. 4 Mine
P.O. Lawrence, Washington Co. Pa.
Ship Hills, M. R. R.
Seam Pittsburgh 62 in. Thick
Kind of Opening Shaft
Daily Cap 3500 T.
Preparation Equipment Mechanical Screens,
Picking Tables, Loading Booms & Coal Cleaners
Montour No. 9 Mine
P.O. McDonald, Washington Co. Pa.
Ship McAdams, M. R. R.
Seam Pittsburgh 54 in. Thick
Kind of Opening Drift
Daily Cap 3000 T.
Preparation Equipment Mechanical Screens,
Picking Tables, Loading Booms & Coal Cleaners
Montour No. 10 Mine
P.O. Library, Allegheny Co. Pa.
Ship Library, M. R. R.
Seam Pittsburgh 62 in. Thick
Kind of Opening Drift
Daily Cap 5000 T.
Preparation Equipment Mechanical Screens,
Picking Tables, Loading Booms & Coal Cleaners
Moon Run Mine
P.O. Moon Run, Allegheny Co. Pa.
Ship Moon Run, M. R. R.
Seam Pittsburgh 58 in. Thick
Kind of Opening Drift
Daily Cap 2000 T.
Preparation Equipment Mechanical Screens,
Picking Tables & Loading Booms
Westland Mine
P.O. Westland, Washington Co. Pa.
Ship Westland, M. R. R.
Seam Pittsburgh
Kind of Opening Drift
Daily Cap 2200 T.
Preparation Equipment Mechanical Screens,
Picking Tables, Loading Booms & Coal Cleaners
Aloe Coal Co., William
Box 564, Imperial, Pa.
Gen. Mgr. ....... William Aloe
Sales Agts. ......... Crown Coal & Coke Co.
Rider Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 2489
P.O. Box 564, Imperial, Allegheny Co. Pa.
Ship Boggs Station, Montour RR.
Strip: Pgh. No. 8 Seam; 48" Th.
Prep. Equip.: Crusher; Shaker Screens;
Picking Table
Mng Equip.: 4 Shvls.; 1 Dragline; 3
Haulage Equip: Trucks
Power Purchased
Prop. Owned & Leased: Life Expec. 10 yrs.; Employs. 65;
3 shifts; 1800 T. daily
1945 Tonnage, 380,000
1946 Tonnage, 390,806
Castle Shannon Coal Corporation
843 Wabash Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pres. B. F. Pepper
Purch. Agt. A. H. Shorr
Co. Store Mutual Supply Co.
Store Buyer G. E. Potter
Coverdale No. 8 Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 224; Frt. Grp. 75
Sales Agt. General Coal Co.
P.O. Coverdale, Allegeny Co. Pa.
Ship Coverdale, P&WV RR
Gen. Supt. Benton H. Williams
Asst. Gen. Supt. Maurice Lostlen
Asst. Gen. Supt. Joseph Neilson
Shaft: Pgh. seam; 60" Th.
Prep. Equip." Chance washery: Vib., Rev. & Shaker
Screens; Picking Tables; Loading Booms
Sizes Washed: 3/8 to 4-1/2
Sizes Made: Nut; Pea; 4-1/2” Lump; 3/8 Minus; Egg; 2"
N&S; 1-1/4 Slack
Mng. Equip.; 21 Mng. mach; 4 loading mach; 17 coal drills;
10 shaker conveyors
Haulage Equip.; 1 belt conveyor; 13 trolley locos; 7 shuttle
cars; 48 steel & 526 wood mine cars; 44" T.G.; 6 mi.
Power Pur.; D.V. 250 D.C.; 220-440 A.C.; 13,000,000 kwh. use
Prop. owned; Life expectancy 10 yr.; Employees 590; 3
shifts; 3000 T. Daily
1945 Tonnage, 721,511
1946 Tonnage, 603,886
Coates, J. & T.
Imperial, Pa.
(1942 Report)
Beatrice Mine
Allegeny County
Employees 10 Daily Cap. 350 T.
1945 Tonnage, (Strip) 32,288
Pittsburgh Coal Company
Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa.
Pres. J.B. Morrow, Library, Pa.
Vice Pres. (Oper.) G.A. Shoemaker
Production Mgr. H.C. Rose
Product Control Mgr., D.H. Davis
Chief Engr. F.S. Follansbee
Asst. Chief Engr. S.M. Parmley
Elec. & Maintenance Engr., A.L. Barrett
Constr. Engr. V.D. Hanson
Div. Supt. J.T. Clark
Div. Supt. S.K. Hissom
Div. Supt. T.G. Ferguson
Purchasing Agent R.W. Mackensen
Asst. Purchasing Agent G.W. Kepler
Chief Engr. (Union Div.) C.M. Hays
Block Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 2318; Frt. Grp 72
P.O. Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pa.
Ship Imperial, Montour R.R.
Supt. W.B. Bannister
Strip; Pgh. seam, 54" Th.
Prep. Equip.; Crusher; shaker screens; picking table;
loading Booms
Power Purchased
Prop. leased; Life expectancy 6 yr.; Employees 60; 3 shifts;
1000 T. Daily
1945 Tonnage, 279,745
1946 Tonnage 258,022
Montour No. 4 Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 151; Frt. Grp. 72
P.O. Lawrence, Washington Co.
Ship Hyland, Montour R. R.
Supt Frank Strimlan
M. Mech Wm. McClure
Foreman Nathaniel Kirk
Shaft; Pgh. Seam: 60" Th.
Equip.; Rheolaveur washery; screens; dustless trt.
magnets; vib. & shkr. screens; picking table;
loading boom
Sizes Washed: 4 x 0
Sizes Made: egg; nut; slack; R/M; Lp.; Stkr.
Mgn. Equip.; 21 Mng. Machs.; 24 Ldg. Mach.
Haulage Equip: 9 trolley, 32 comb. locos.; 780 wood
mine cars; 44" T.G.; 50 mi. track
Power Pur.; 2-M.G. sets; total 600 KW.; 1-500 Rotary
Converter; D.V. 550 D.C.; 440 A.C.; 8,000,000 kwh. used
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 33 yrs.; Employees 450; 2 shifts;
4200 T. Daily
1945 Tonnage, 817,015
1946 Tonnage, 739,504
Montour No. 9 Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 152; Frt. Grp. 72
P.O. McDonald, Washington Co.
Ship McAdams, Montour R. R.
Supt Robert Atchison
M. Mech John Hallam
Foreman Stanley Radziwon
Drift; Pgh. Seam: 60" Th.
Prep. Equip.: Magnets, Shaker Screens; Picking
Table; Loading Booms
Sizes Made: 4" Block; Slack; R/M
Mgn. Equip.; 11 Mng. Mach.; 6 loading Mach.
Haulage Equip; 7 trolley, 14 comb. Locos.; 800 comb.
mine cars; 44" T.G.; 22 mi. track
Power Pur.; 4 M.G. sets; total 900 KW.; 1-500 Rotary
Converter; D.V. 550 D.C.; 440 A.C.; 3,000,000 kwh. used
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 11 yrs.; Employees 125; 1 shift;
1000 T. Daily
1945 Tonnage, 372,563
1946 Tonnage, 256,969
Montour No. 10 Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 29; Frt. Grp. 72
P.O. Library, Allegheny Co. Pa.
Ship Library, Montour R. R.
Supt D.S. Cunningham
M. Mech Willis Barker
Foreman Harold Laing
Drift: Pgh. Seam: 60" Th.
Equip.: Arms air tables & dustless
treatment; Crusher;
Magnets; Vib. & Shaker Screens; Pck. Tbl.; Ldg. Bms.
Sizes Air Cleaned: 2" x 1-1/8"; 1-1/8" x 3/8; Minus 3/8
Stoker Sizes: 3/8" x 1-1/8"
Sizes Made: 4" Lump; Egg; Lump; Slack;
Mgn. Equip.: 43 mng. mach.; 10 loading machs.; 48 coal
drills; 33 conveyors
Haulage Equip: 3-2000-ft. belt conveyors; 15
trolley, 14 comb. locos.; 140 wood mine cars; 44" T.G.; 22
mi. track
Power Pur.: 6 M.G. sets; total 1500 KS.; D.V.
550 A.C. 440 A.C.; 9,500,000 kwh, used annually
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 8 yrs.; Employees 550; 2 shifts;
3900 T. Daily
1945 Tonnage, 896,624
1946 Tonnage, 706,066
Solar Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 211; Frt. Grp. 72
P.O. R.D. Imperial, Pa.
Ship Boggs, M. R. R.
Supt Robert Atchison
Mine Foreman Patrick J. Buchanan
Drift: Pgh. Seam: 60" Th.
Prep. Equip.; Rheolaveur washery; dustless trt. shaker
screens; magnets; revolving screens; picking table; loading
Sizes Washed: 4 x 0
Sizes Made: Egg; Nut; Slack; Pea; R/M
Mgn. Equip.: 9 mng. mach.; 1 coal drill
Haulage Equip: 4 locos.; 150 wood mine cars; 42"
T.G.; 3 mi. track
Power Pur.: 1-300 Rotary converter; D.V. 550
D.C.; 440 A.C.; 8,000,000 kwh. used annually
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 1 yr.; Employees 150; 1 shift; 700
T. Daily
1945 Tonnage, 185,686
Westland Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 1254; Frt. Grp. 72
P.O. Westland, Washington Co. Pa.
Ship Southview, Montour R. R.
Supt H.E. Mauck
M. Mech Joseph Krese
Foreman William Wilson
Drift: Pgh. Seam: 60" Th.
Equip.: Rheolaveur Washery; Dustless treat.
magnet; vib. & shkr. screens; picking table; loading
Sizes Made: Nut; Slack; Egg; R/M; Lp; Stkr.
Mgn. Equip.; 25 Mng. mach.; 24 loading Mach.
Haulage Equip: 15 trolley, 24 comb. locos.; 750
steel mine cars; 42" T.G.; 24 mi. track
Pur.: 3 M.G. sets; total 600 KW; 4 rotary converters;
total 1600
KW; D.V. 550 D.C.; 440 A.C.; 6,500,000 kwh used annually
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 25 yrs.; Employees 550; 2 shifts;
5400 T. Daily
1945 Tonnage, 813,613
1946 Tonnage, 983,405
Russell Nos. 2 & 3
Loc. Russell, Allegheny Co., Pa.
Ship Russell, Montour R.R.
Contractor Utah Construction Co.
1945 Tonnage, 1,075,860
Sunnyhill Coal Co.
3090 West Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa.
(Affiliated with Sunnyhill Mining Co., W. Va.)
Pres. (Chg. Oper.) C.H. Snyder
Exec. V. Pres. Arnold E. Lamm
Vice Pres. Sls. D. H. Swanson
Gen. Supt. Earl Patten
M. Engr. David M. Spratt
Pur. Agt. W.C. Leste
Sales Agt. Snyder & Swanson, Inc.
Sunnyhill Mine No 5
Dist. 2; Mine Index 2744
Loc. Robinson, Washington Co., Pa.
P.O. R.D. 1 Imperial, allegheny Co., Pa.
Ship Boggs, Montour R.R.
Supt. Frances McCaffrey
Strip Pgh. seam; 51" th.
Prep. Equip.: crusher; shaker screens; picking
table; loading booms
Sizes Made: All sizes
Mg. Equip.: 2 stripping shovels; 2 loading
shovels; 3 draglines; 2 bulldozers; 4 coal drills
Haulage equip.; 20 trucks
Power Purchased
Prop. owned; Life expectancy 6 months; Employees 175; Daily
Cap. 3000 T.
1945 Tonnage, 660,945
1946 Tonnage, 637,560
Weise, Paul H.
627 Oliver Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa.
(1943 Report)
Owner & Mng. Engr. Paul Weise
Sales Agt. Steel City Gas Coal Co.
Morris Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 156
P.O. McDonald, Washington Co.
Ship Southview, Montour R.R.
Shaft; Pgh. seam; 66" Th.
Prep. Equip.; Shaker Screens; Picking Table; Loading
Sizes Made; 4", 2" Lump; Egg; M/R; Nut-Slack;
Mgn. Equip.; Mng. mach; loading mach.
Haulage Equip.; locos; wood mine cars; 42" T.G.
Power Purchased
Life expectancy 15 yr.; Employees 101; 3 shifts; 600 T.
1945 Tonnage, 91,008
Pittsburgh Coal Company Division of Pittsburgh Consolidation
Coal Co.
Montour No. 4 Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 151; Frt. Grp. 72
P.O. Lawrence, Washington Co. Pa.
Ship Hills, M. R. R.
Supt S. K. Hissom
Outside Foreman Salvadore Duncarme, Jr.
M. Mech Gaylord Whirlow
Foreman Walter Jasp
Slope: Pgh. Seam: 66: Th.
Equip.: Rheolaveur Washery; Heavy Media;
Dust. Treat. Crusher; Mgnts.; Vib. & Shkr. Scrns.;
Pck. Tbl.;
Ldg. Bm.; Cent. Driers; Calcium Freeze Proof
Sizes Washed: 7" x 0
Sizes Dried: 3/8" x 0
Made: 6" & 4" LMP.; 4" x 2"; 2 x
1-1/4"; 1-1/4" x
3/8"; 3/8" x 0; M/R; Blk.; 4" x 1-1/4"; 1-1/4" x 1/2"; 1/2"
x 3/16"; 2"
x 0"; 1-1/4" x 0"; 3-1/6" x 0".
Mgn. Equip.; 11 Cut. Machs.; 16 Ldg.
Machs.; 9 Drills; 45 Pumps; 8 Bolters; Rock Dusters.
Haulage Equip: 27 Tr. Locos.; 570 Steel M.
Cars; 44" T.G.; 11 Shuttle Cars
Power Pur.: D.V. 2300 A.C. 550 D.C.;
Tipple 440 A.C.
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 35 yrs.; Employees 290; 3 shifts;
3500 T. Daily
1954 Tonnage, 758,449
Montour No. 9 Mine
Closed 6/54
1954 Tonnage, 77,031
Montour No. 10 Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 29; Frt. Grp. 72
P.O. Library, Allegheny Co. Pa.
Ship Library, M. R. R.
Supt Harold Laing
Supply Clerk Thomas W. Jones
M. Mech Willis Barker
Mine Foreman Richard Meute
Plant Foreman Robert MacLachlan
Drift: Pgh. Seam: 66" Th.
Equip.: Rheolaveur Washery; Heavy Media;
Dust. Treat.; Crusher; Mgnts.; Vib. & Shkr. Scrns.; Pck.
Tbl.; Ldg.
Bm.; Cent. Driers; Calcium Freeze Proof
Sizes Washed: 7" x 0
Sizes Dried: 3/8" x 0
Made: 6 x 4" LMP.; 4" x 2"; 2 x 1-1/4";
1-1/2" x
3/8"; 3/8" x 0; M/R; Blk.; 4" x 1-1/4"; 1-1/4" x 1/2"; 1/2"
x 3/16";
3/16" x 0; 2" x 0; 1-1/4" x 0
Mgn. Equip.; 8 Cut. Machs.; 10 Ldg.
Machs.; 12 Drills; 40 Pumps; 4 Bolters; 1 Cont. Miner; Rock
Haulage Equip: 22 Tr. Locos.; 600 Wood M.
Cars; 44" T.G.; 8 Shuttle Cars
Power Pur.: D.V. 2300 A.C. 550 D.C.;
Tipple 440 A.C.
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 45 yrs.; Employees 170; 3 shifts;
1800 T. Daily
1954 Tonnage, 408,541
Westland Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 1254; Frt. Grp. 72
P.O. Westland, Washington Co. Pa.
Ship Southview, Montour R. R.
Supt John L. Rozance
Supply Clerk Joseph J. Skwarlo
M. Mech Joseph Krese
Foreman John Furlong
Drift: Pgh. Seam: 62" Th.
Equip.: Rheolaveur Washery; Heavy Media;
Dust. Treat.; Crusher; Mgnts.; Vib. & Shkr. Scrns.; Pck.
Tbl.; Ldg.
Bm.; Cent. Driers; Calcium Freeze Proof
Sizes Washed: 7 x 0
Sizes Dried: 3/8 x 0
Made: 6 x 4" Lmp.; 4 x 2"; 2 x 1-1/4";
1-1/4" x 3/8";
3/8" x 0"; M/R; Blk.; 4 x 1-1/4"; 1-1/4 x 1/2"; 1/2 x 3/16";
3/16" x 0;
2 x 0"; 1-1/4 x 0"
Mgn. Equip.; 11 Cut. Machs.; 20 Ldg.
Machs.; 8 Drills; 72 Pumps; 7 Bolters; Rock Dusters
Haulage Equip: 39 Tr. Locos.; 650 Steel M.
Cars; 42" T.G.; 12 Shuttle Cars
Power Pur.: 2300 A.C. 550 D.C.; Tipple 440
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 15 yrs.; Employees 290; 3 shifts;
3500 T. Daily
1954 Tonnage, 735,328
Russell Strip
Dist. 2; Mine Index 4121
P.O. Imperial, Allegheny Co. Pa.
Ship Imperial, Montour R. R.
Gen. Supt W. B. Bannister
Supt J. L. Barnhart
Strip: Pittsburgh Seam: 58" Th.
Mng. Equip.: Ovbdn. Drills; 2 Ldg. Shvls.;
2 Drags.
Haulage Equip: Contracted Trucks;
Tractors; 4 Pumps
Power Pur.: D.V. 440 A.C.
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 3 yrs.; Employs. 20; 3 shifts;
Daily Cap. 300 T.
1954 Tonnage, 735,328
Smith Strip
P.O. Imperial, Allegheny Co. Pa.
Ship Imperial, Montour R. R. & Truck
Gen. Supt W. B. Bannister
Supt J. L. Barnhart
Strip: Pittsburgh Seam: 58" Th.
Mng. Equip.: 2 Ldg. Shvls.; 1 Drag.; 1
Ovbdn. Drill
Haulage Equip: Contracted Hired Trucks; 1
Tractor; 4 Pumps
Power Pur.: D.V. 4160 A.C.
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 4 yrs.; Employs. 21; 3 shifts;
Daily Cap. 500 T.
1954 Tonnage, 90,000
Aloe Coal Co., William
Box 564, Imperial, Pa.
Gen. Mgr. William Aloe
Sls. Agts., Pittsburgh & Fairmont Coal Co.
Rider No. 4 Mine
Dist. 2; Mine Index 2489
P.O. Box 564, Imperial, Allegheny Co. Pa.
Ship Boggs Station, Montour RR.
Supt Julius Aloe
Strip: Pgh. No. 8 Seam; 48" Th.
Prep. Equip.: Crusher; Shkr. Scrns.; Pck.
Tbl.; Heavy Media Washer; 150 T.P.H
Sizes Shipped: 3/8" to 6"
Mng. Equip.: 4 Shvls.; 1 Drag.; 3 Bldzrs.
Haulage Equip: Trucks
Power Purchased
Prop. Owned % Leased: Life Expec. 10 yrs.; Employs. 65; 3
shifts; 1800 T. daily 150 T.P.H.
1953 Tonnage, 145,795
Cleaning Plants
Pittsburgh Coal Co., Divn. of Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal
Product Control Mgr., J.M. Vonfeld
Champion No. 1 Plant
Mine Index 28 -- Freight Group 72
(Captive Tonnage)
Prep. Mgr. ......... J.M. Vonfeld
Location ........ Imperial, Allegheny Co., Pa.
Ship ........... Champion, Montour R.R.
Mines supplying raw coal .... Montour Nos. 4, 10 &
Seam ......... Pittsburgh
Designer Plant ........ Allen-Garcia Co.
Type Washery ...... Rheolaveur & Link-Belt Heavy Media;
Froth Flotation
Daily Cap. (2 shifts) .......... 12,000 T.
Dryers: Carpenter Cent.; Christie Heat
Dustless Treatment ...... Oil
Freeze-Proof Treatment ........ Calcium Chloride
Sizes Washed .. 6" x 4; 4: x 2; 2" x 1 1/4; 1 1/4" x 1/8;
3/8" x 1/8; 3/8" x 0; 1/8" x 0
Sizes Dried ... 3/8" x 0
Stoker Sizes Produced .... 1 1/4" x 3/8", 1 1/4" x 1/8",
3/8" x 1/8"
Tonnage Cleaned, 1954 ..... 2,044,000
Montour No. 4 Mine
(Dist. 2)
P.O. Lawrence, Washington Co., Pa.
Ship Hills, Montour R. R.
Supt S. K. Hissom
Outside Foreman Salvadore Ducarme, Jr.
M. Mech Willis Barker
Mine Foreman Gaylord Whirlow
Slope; Pgh. Seam: 68" Th.
Equip.: Coal cleaned at Champion No. 1 Plant, 2
Jeffery Baum
Jiggs, 12 Deister Tbls., 1 Seib Technique Dryer for 1/2" x
1/4" Coal
Mgn. Equip.: 13 Cut. Machs.; 16 Ldg. Mach., 10 Drills;
65 Pumps; 11 Bolters; 12 Rock Dusters; 5 Contin. Miners
Haulage Equip: 41 Tr. Locos.; 280 steel M. Cars; 44"
T.G.; 23 Shuttle Cars
Power Pur.: D.V. 2300 A.C. 550 D.C.; Tipple 440 A.C.
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 30 yrs.; Employees 330; 3 shifts;
7500 T. Daily
1963 Tonnage, 1,780,627
Montour No. 10 Mine
(Dist. 2)
P.O. Library, Allegheny Co., Pa.
Ship Library, Montour R. R.
Drift: Pgh. Seam: 68" Th.
Prep. Equip.: When operating, coal is cleaned at
Champion No. 1 Plant
Power Pur.: D.V. 2300 A.C. 550 D.C.; Tipple 440
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 40 yrs.; Employees 200; 3 shifts;
2200 T. Daily
(Note: Closed Temp.)
Westland Mine
(Dist. 2)
P.O. Westland, Washington Co. Pa.
Ship Westland, Montour R. R.
Supt John Furlong
M. Mech George Carter
Foreman William Wilson
Drift: Pgh. Seam: 62" Th.
Prep. Equip.: Coal cleaned at Champion No.
1 Plant
Mgn. Equip.: 6 Cut. Machs.; 10 Ldg. Machs.; 7
Drills; 50 Pumps; 7 Bolters; 5 Rock Dusters
Haulage Equip: 29 Tr. Locos.; 165 Steel M Cars;
42" T.G.; 7 Shuttle Cars
Power Pur.: 2300 A.C.; 550 D.C.; Tipple 440 A.C.
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 25 yrs.; Employees 110; 3 shifts;
2000 T. Daily
1963 Tonnage, 481,988
Champion No. 1 Plant
(Dist. 2)
Supt. W.K. Heinlein
Location Imperial, Allegheny Co., Pa.
Ship Champion, Montour R.R.
Mines supplying raw coal Montour Nos. 4, 10,
Westland & Margerum Strips
Seam Pittsburgh
Designer Plant Allen-Garcia Co.
Type Washery Jeffery Baum Jiggs, Deister Tbls., Froth
Daily Cap. (2 shifts) 12,000 T.
Dryers: C.M.I. Cent: Slab Technique; Raymond & Tailor
Dustless Treatment Oil
Freeze-Proof Treatment Calcium & Sodium Chloride
Sizes Washed 8" x 4; 4" x 2; 2" x 1 1/4; 1 1/4" x
1/2"; 1/2" x 3/16"; 3/16" x 0
Sizes Dried 1/2" x 0; 1/2" x 3/16"; 3/16" x 0
Stoker Sizes Produced .... 1 1/4" x 1/2", 1 1/4" x 3/16",
1/2" x 3/16"; 3/8" x 3/16"
(Dis. 2)
Ship Champion, Montour RR
Supt. Frank Murget
Strip PGH Seam: 62" Th.
Mng. Equip.: 2 Ldg. Shvls.: 1 Drag.: 2 Ovbdn Drils: 2 Dzrs.:
7 Pumps.: 6 Util. Trks.
Prop. Owned: Life Expec. 4 yrs.: Emplys 10: 2 shifts
Daily Cap. 500 T.
1963 Tonnage, 117,879 (Westland Strip)
Note: Margerum Strip started in 1964