Montour Railroad
Working on the Montour
Railroading 101

Milepost 8 Jefferytown |
This photograph was taken leaning out of the caboose of Montour RR
light engines East. Its not my photograph, but was taken using my
former Mamiya/Sekor 35mm MSX 500 film camera. About 1978 or so, Montour
RR Brakeman R.E. Parkinson offered to take this elderly film camera
with him while at work, and record for me images of the Montour RR as
he saw it. Some of Roy's images, like my early photos, were rough. Some
of Roy's images, came out sparkling. On this early sparkling Spring
day, Roy is Eastbound behind a unusual consist of three SW-9's. By the
late 70's, three unit consists of SW-9s were rare out on the road. So
it is thought todays Eastbound is the Champion Job.
Three locomotives for a McDonald Turn.
30 Years later, seems like this shot was taken just yesterday. How many
times have I made this trip through the Jeffrey
Town...Eastbound ... Westbound... All of those trips were made
from up front, riding the SW-9's. And many of those trips up front were
made with me behind the throttle. I count myself lucky back in those
days. Most of the guys I rode with understood my fascination. And many
of those railroaders vacated the right hand seat so I could run the
SW-9's. Wether we were light engines or traveling with a train...
I can still feel how the SW-9's rode over this section of track. Many railroaders knew were they were just by the ride...
Here at the Jeffre yTown, few mud holes and the SW-9's slammed
those track joints hard. Train speed back then depended on the
Engineman. Even though the timetable said 15 MPH, most engineman had
their own pace.
Jack rolled them and John B. dragged his feet. They all had their
independent style. No side to side dancing over this rough track, just
a up and down motion in the locomotive. You could hear the
drawbars banging on the uneven track.
You could hear any loose angle bars at the rail joints. My trips with
light engines through here were often accompanied by slowing the
locomotives to a crawl while inside the Jeffrey Town...
A quick center of the reverser... Then a quick sucession of throttle
positions, Run 1 through Run 8... I wanted to enjoy the roar of
those EMDs while inside the Jeffrey Town. Sure for a few seconds the
guys back in the hack were enveloped in exhaust. But it was only for a
minute or two. But the experience... I still see it...I still sense
it...I still remember it...
Gene P. Schaeffer

Jeffrerytown sign on the Montour Trail.