Montour overpass at Southview
Over the past
30 years, I stood in nearly this very same spot numerous times
observing the passage of many Montour RR train crews.
Eastbound empty hopper trains...westbound Champion Coal Trains... But
today, in terrible lighting, this Saturday January 5, 2008 the chant of
SW-9's no longer echo through the valley below. No longer
do I breath in exhaust as a multiple unit consist of General Motors
finest locomotive products pass underneath.
But I can still visualize, P&LE Engineman R. Haus
coming west one summers day, with coal from Montour 4, turning to his
left as his 4 unit consist passes underneath me, giving me a
non-chalant wave as he looks back and slightly skyward through those
gigantic picture windows of those SW-9's...and me standing up there on
the N&W overpass, placing on film that magic moment in time of
yesterday. You could listen to those SW-9's seemingly forever up there
on the N&W as the train made its way through Southview and
Peacock, before starting down Primrose towards McDonald.
And the bounty of it all, being wreathed in diesel exhaust as car load
after car load of Champion Coal precedes that tiny little caboose
numbered 33. And Heaven forbid never forget that late night, riding
with Roy and D.J., coming out at Gilmore with coal from Westland...Was
it 2...maybe 3 in the morning of a wintry cold night...Cab heaters
working in fury to ward off the cold... And hearing Roy, screaming over
the radio... HEY Gene...check out the 78...
That 78 was celebrating a very late Fourth of July...
As Roy throttled them up coming out at Gilmore...
And as the Legend goes...Sky Rockets at Night...
Coming up that tanget there between Southviews two bridges...
There was plenty of seats available for the display of sparks coming out of 78's stacks... An everlasting Memory never to be forgotten...
Thank You Roy...
Thank You D.J...
Thank You Montour Railroad Company.
Gene P. Schaeffer