Montour Railroad
Working on the Montour
Railroading 101

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Great Anticipation, earlier yesterday I received word my newest book
on the Montour Railroad is now
completed, packaged and ready for shipment from
the printers. This new
pictorial on the Montour Railroad contains 144 pages. It measures 12
inches by 9 inches, black & white done in Duotone, all hardcover with
a dustcover. Of the 144
pages, roughly 130 of these pages have just one photo per
page with the remaining page containing just two photographs or
The word I am receiving,
these books should be available for Christmas 2008.
Exciting is a great
way to describe what is inside this new book. With the help of
some special people, I was able to again borrow elderly negatives
containing some never before
scenes of Montour Steam. I again called on William N. Poellot, Fred
Bradley, Tony Santucci who opened their hearts and doors to my requests.
We will also see, thanks to the
heads up we received from Dave Wright, some lovely
right of way scenes of the Montour Railroad from era's long before my
Then, a assortment of photographs
that most of you have never before seen.
To outline what is inside this
newest forthcoming publication, we will see before then
after shots at Wicks Crossing...before and after shots of the two bridges
at McPhearson Run...We will see
shots of the 14000 just days old, on display in
East Carson Street Yard back in the mid 1940's...
From there, we have a few train
orders to read, covering Extra 84 East and the Eastward
Trip from Montour Junction to Mifflin Junction...In addition, the scribbled
notes of a long time Montour Friend, as he worked Montour Junction Yard.
We go off line for a quick visit to
the PRR and P&WV dealing with some Montour
RR related issues.. We then stand at Jewell and watch the progress of
Extra 74 East doing a Brookside
turn...Then we see a couple personal favorites, Horning
Road Crossing in 1921...
If this isn't enough, its January
1980 and Montour Extra 76 East is flagged down at
McDonald...right there at the transfer switch by yours truly...and I hand
up to Roy my Canon AE-1
loaded with black & white, and he graciously records one
of the few trips Montour 76 red, white
and Roy and DJ made
a No. 4 turn that snowy day...topping it all off, Montour 76, alone,
for everyone's pleasure...
The price for this new publication
lists at $50.00.
For shipping add another $5.00.
And for those living in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania add another $3.00 for sales tax..
I am considering renting the
Community Center in Imperial on December 20 for
those who would like their books autographed.
I am now taking orders, please send
check or money orders to:
Montour Shops
155 Castle Road
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Questions or comments, please drop
me a email at, |