Montour Railroad
Working on the

Montour #4 Car Cleaner -1981 |
The Montour
had numerous job descriptions in its 100 + year history, we generally
only recall the obvious jobs ie: train crews, MofW,
dispatching, ect. Many jobs were obscure and some mainly
forgotten, like the employee’s that used to maintain and light the
switch lamps, another day for that one. This time I would
like to share a few stories about a job that was active up until # 4
mine shutdown, the #4 Mine, Car Cleaner.
This job was handled by employees in the MoW Dept., a bid job usually
held by the senior man. The 1970’s saw this as a two shift
position, daylight and/or 2nd and midnight shift, depending
on when empties were to be placed in the mine. As a youngster
riding my bicycle to Hills, I made friends Warren Aitken, senior
trackman that held the daylight job. Warrens “office” was a
prefab, corrugated steel shed with a small storage room on the tipple
side that held the spare tools and supplies for Section Gang
#2 when they were still headquartered at the tipple as well
as one window in the back overlooking Valley Brook Rd. This
shed used to sit above and slightly east of the TAR gate next to the
empty yard.
The attached photo of the shed was taken in 1981 when #4 Mine
facilities were being dismantled. I was standing in the middle of the
empty yard facing Valley Brook. The tipple was to my right. The empty
yard tracks have already been removed.
The shed had a dirt floor, a large potbelly stove graced the center,
stained with tobacco juice, fire pokers and hand fashioned clothes
hangers for toasting sandwiches hanging on its rim. The battered coffee
pot always sat on the top of the stove as well as the occasional pairs
of gloves drying out.
Along the shed sides stood wooden benches, derelict
chairs, a few lockers, wooden shelving with some coffee and
cooking supplies , old electric radio, girlie pictures torn from
magazines adorned the walls as well as chalked sarcastic
remarks towards other RR employee’s, and of course the thick
musty mixtures of smells; coal, oil, cigarettes and
dampness hanging in the air….year round….. I fondly recall spending
many hours in this atmosphere while waiting for the next Coal Run to
arrive. This became a very common event for us during summer
vacation, bike ride to Hills, clean cars, ride the Coal Run around
Hills/Boyce, maybe a ride to Cowden or Peacock if there was another
eastbound train to return us to Hills, then the bike trip home,
sometimes long after dark.
The car cleaner’s job was to check every empty hopper placed in the MT
yard for foreign material, this material varied greatly. One could find
pig iron pellets, iron slugs, chunks of coking coke, scrap
steel, stone of many types, metal stamping slugs, glass
pellets, the list goes on. The cleaner, being a veteran would
be able to mount the end car of a cut and walk from car to car along
the top chord as well as being able to jump across to the next
track. We tried this ourselves from time to time, it was very
precarious to say the least, Warren would let us do this on occasion
but he was concerned. He did enjoy when we would
help clean the car by opening the pockets, climbing into it from the
bottom. He would supervise and encourage us as we sweated and
choked on the dust we stirred up shoveling out debris.
Sometimes the cleaner would walk the empties in the Transfer towards
Boyce or on the Hill or Creek Tracks and clean cars. This was
done when they knew the cars would be placed when no cleaner
was working or if the cars were placed in the mine on
weekends. These Transfer Tracks still has a lot of the above
mentioned debris along its grade. The cleaners would also venture up to
Thompsonville Siding when empties were stored there for the mine.
Thompsonville Siding grade and the empty yard area today still show
this debris as well the bank between Valley Brook Rd and the yard. The
‘M’ had a rubber tired front end type loader that was known as the “Pay
Loader”. This machine was used around the RR for many chores.
It had a large bucket that was notched out to allow the bucket to
scrape across the tie tops while straddling the
rail. About once a year, when the yard was free of
hoppers the loader and a few men would clean the
tracks. The extra trackmen would assist with
shovels to fill the bucket and the loader would then dump it over the
bank along the road. I recall twice, all of us in
Section Gang #2, spending all day Saturday cleaning and
repairing some yard track issues.
Jump ahead several years, I am hired and assigned to Section Gang
#2. Prior to the gang relocating their headquarters to the #4
supply yard next to the PRR, we reported to the #4
tipple. One winter Monday morning I arrived to work to find
out that Warren marked of sick, the next senior man of the gang has
priority. Well it was very cold and windy that day, snow
flurries abound, senior man declined as did the next & next
until they all looked at me. They preferred the warm truck,
occasionally getting out to sweep a switch or clear ice from crossing
I stepped forward, sure I knew how to do this, it would be a different
pace from track work, but I didn’t think about the material frozen in
the hopper pockets not to mention frozen doors and latches,
ice & snow clogged pathways between the tracks.
It was also a day the Coal Run was placing 50 some cars fresh
from Boyce into the MT yard, PRR cars and they were filthy. I
struggled for hours, the mine was loading fast that day, I was falling
behind. Knowing several of the miners, they had a little
compassion and chipped in to help me keep up….Of course I had to square
up with them at a later date at the Hills Station VFW, but it was worth
it for me not to hold up car loading operations. I didn’t
need to hear that Consol called Montour Jct. to report a
delay for not having empties.
I was physically & mentally relieved when the veteran cleaner
for 2nd shift arrived, I stayed a bit longer to help him get some of
the doors closed. The next Coal Run arrived and placed more
PRR cars in from the Transfer, but I was marking off, cold stiff and
tired. The 2nd shift cleaner laughed, he wasn't worried, said
he would get what he could done, thats all.
Warren marked off the rest of the week, I cleaned for him, but now we
got mainly shuttle cars from Champion, nothing to clean since they were
captive coal haulers. Life is good. Now I
had the opportunity to enjoy that corrugated shed with its
glowing red potbelly, simmering hot coffee, toasting my sandwiches and
listening to the sounds of hoppers being loaded, dropping in and out of
the tipple and of course those unique shed odors the rest of the of
Tim Sposato |