Montour Railroad
and Tunnels
Working on the

Sposato Stories
Morris Mine BBQ
working with the #2 Section gang it was decided to have a BBQ and roast
around the Holidays one year. We planned that, it being a
(payday) and we were gauging some rail on the Westland Branch that
week, since the weather had turned colder with snow flurries, under
Morris Tipple would be a great place to cook up some deer meat that a
few of us had bagged earlier in the season near Library
Jct. Since
this was a well planned event, the gang all brought a covered dish or
beverage of some kind and of course the Track Super was also invited.
This meant we needed to start cooking as soon as we reported for work
that day! Empty spike kegs were used as the BBQ's
warmers, we used mine coal that was lying all over to get the base
started and continued with the abundance of wood along the R of
Naturally, while we cooked, we explored
the remaining mine structures. We made our way down the sloped shaft
opening about 75ft before we came to the water level, and the mine
rails that were left continued into the depths. We then visited the old
air shaft just west of the tipple. This was an enclosed
and as you entered the door way, the walkway ran the length of the
building on one side. There was a metal railing on the other side of
the walk to prevent falling into the vertical shaft
opening. About
a 25ft drop before hitting the water.
We decided
to test the quality of the fusee's the MRR purchased by lighting them,
dropping them into the water and watching as the red glow faded away
into the shaft. Most of them did remain lit as they sank.
dinner and the reception of the paychecks, we wished the Super a Merry
Christmas as he departed for his home.
At this time rule "G"
came into play as we finished out our tour of duty. About
the late Foreman, John Schmidt and myself explored the tipple and
really studied the elevator shaft under it.
This elevator
had mine rails still affixed to the platform, the lifting cable still
wound its way through the pulleys and wheel and spool. John
commented that the elevator was resting on two pieces of rail that were
laid over two of the corners of the shaft opening. "If you
and I"
John said, "were to take two spike mauls and hit these two rails at the
same time it just might drop into the shaft." I found two
and returned as we all gathered for the great event.
the command we struck the blows and all hell broke loose. The elevator
plunged, the cables started swinging, snapping as the sheave wheel
rotated with increasing speed, and at this time fragments of the tipple
started to drop as we all ran for cover. In all honesty, I
that the way the tipple shook and groaned that it was coming
down. Over my shoulder I saw in the coal dust and debris, a
column of water shoot straight up out of the shaft as the elevator hit
the water. For a time after, the cable continued to unwind
the shaft and then just coil up in the girders.
You can
believe the laughter this brought for quite some time, until John
realized we had created a real hazard for others walking near the open
shaft. He decided to visit the farmer up the road
were we
got some snow fence and some steel posts so we could fence off the
opening before we left.
the picture to the left notice the glowing spike keg, pot of
brown-sugared beans. The switch broom handle was used to stir
the coals for that nice baking heat. We're both standing on
the rail bed as it passes under the loading chute. Also the snow fence
that JP Schmidt & I rounded up from the nearby farmer
to close off the elevator shaft opening after it decended for the final
time that day.
I do enjoy this one in particular . "Hippy" is an
interesting fellow, loved his beer (Strohs in hand), loved
Harley's, but never had a real decent running one. He
would surprise us with a different vehicle every other week, some even
would start at the end of the day. Occasionally I would drive
him to & from work if he couldn't get one going. He was a hard
drinker, fighter, tough guy, But would help you out at a drop of a hat.
He was a good partner on the gang. He invited me along on
many after hour entertainments with his associates. Needless
to say, those were very interesting.
Some place I have another shot of Hippy, standing on a Chevy Blazer
hood, with his pants down "Mooning" an eastbound empty train at Peacock
Siding. I think the engineer was one of the Lane
Hippy was one of the few Railroaders other then ourselves
that always wore the traditional hat of a Railroad
Man. Just another colorful person in the history of the
Montour RR.
As you know, “you can never have
taken enough pictures”. I only took a few of us grilling the steaks
that day, maybe one looking into the sloped shaft. I suppose
need to locate these this winter and share them with you all.
By the way the steaks were fantastic, not to mention the trimmings that
Tim Sposato